Life relates to trading and trading relates to life. Constantly revealing, unfolding before us as we trade and live, so I write about how my life relates to trading and how I trade the markets. Along the way I share my opinions on anything that evokes my passion or tickles my funny bone trying not to forget that enjoying life is the best part of living.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A Labor of Love
We all find things to do in our lives that for one reason or another attracts us, draws us in, and without much effort takes up our time in pursuit of perfection. Without stating the obvious for me it's been especially 2 or 3, no 4, and now one more. Each one I've immersed myself into, with hunger, passion, total devotion and each one I've thoroughly loved to do even if not for a lifetime, certainly for the life of how long I could do it; yet money and riches certainly did not come with each and some if not all I've spent more on than what I've received, but none have I regretted and none would I not do again.
So then why continue doing it? Isn't it money that drives us all into further pursuits? Isn't it money that proves us our worth? Isn't it money that propels us to fame, dares us to take chances and tempts us to sell our souls, and isn't the pursuit of money that derives our greatest passion? Knowing full well that I'm not the first or the last to ask these questions, and knowing well that the answer is an obvious "No!", let's go on.
Everything I've devoted time to, pursued to perfection and have been passionate about has given me something in return: a fulfilment of some sort, not all monetary but certainly can be defined as enriching. Whether it's teaching, skiing, dancing, writing, or trading the rewards cannot be only counted in dollars and cents. They each filled a void, contributed to my growth and they all allowed me to participate, interact and get to know people from all walks of life.
I can only conclude that all what we do takes labor; a labor of love or not, it's all labor for if we do not do anything, there is no life. I will even argue that we all do what we do with love, because, we choose what we do and therefore if not out of love then what? If your answer to that is: the pursuit of money, well, that in itself is a love. So perhaps the answer is not "do what you love and ...etc.", but "love what you do and ... etc."! Done with love, nothing becomes a chore, everything becomes a labor of love.
As to any money magically following, well, my life is not over yet, and I'm not one to shut off any possibilities. So I'll keep on doing and loving what I do because I can have control over that and the rest is up to the Universe.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hot August Nights

Meditation helps in realizing how immediate every moment is in our existence and how time can be slowed down to where we can notice the most minute details and also to act in the moment of opportunity.
We get so caught up in life trying to get everything done, that we need nights like these to remind us that we achieve our best, retain the most and enjoy it more when we are relaxed with opened senses to what is about us.
In a receiving and ready state, we are able to wait for the trade, and are not tempted to force the trade but to let the trade come to us. Time and timing can be best recognized when relaxed, not when tense.
Today's market was such that it would make a master in patience tense. Jerky, choppy, whippy, punchy all applied at any one time, so much so that I was getting punchy too with eyes rolling in sockets multi directionally. (is there such a word??) Yet sticking with the plan worked and proves to work time and time again. The plan has 4 rules:- When frustrated by the markets, put on music. Yes, dancing music. (I prefer Latin, hotttt salsa, jazz, rhumba!).
- Get up, step away from desk and dance. (this really works the kinks out of body and brain and also reinforces reason not to have a webcam)
- When an uncontrollable grin creeps permanently on face, one can be assured that a state of bliss has been achieved and therefore it's time to get back to trading again, alert and ready; glad for the rest, markets have moved, perspective shifted, awareness sharpened.
- Now, for the most important rule of all! Do NOT turn off the music; Trade to it!!
One final note (no pun, ha ha) acid, punk, etc. the kind that fries your brains is the hardest for markets to get accustomed to, but if it rocks your boat, so be it, remember rhythm, moving as one with the market is the key.
P.S. Ulrich, Play on!
Fighting a Battle (Part III) Lessons of History Lost on Most
I started the above story few days after Russia invaded Georgia. I stopped because I didn't find a link to trading, but knew the passion of what I spoke had merit yet perhaps not for this blog. I've actually had thoughts of starting another blog just for such, decided I will explore it but still have had not the time. Yet the time for this is now. Especially because of what the fed did the past weekend. The bailout as they call it.. the payback as I call it.. yet another burden stuck on taxpayers, without the taxpayers approval. The SEC seems to believe in deep pockets; yes, yours and mine. The Congress spends it easily marching on their way toward the glories of Globalization, they seem not to notice that we are vacating our souls.
Where are the protests, the marches, the outcry about what Russia has done and continues to do to Georgians. Most of what I heard from the news media showed that they do not bother to research history but just read convenient on the cuff stories that totally ignore facts. Where are the endless analysis that would question what how and why it happened? More time is spent on analyzing 1 hour in Brittany Spears' life than on the real threat to our very freedom. Congress rather hate President Bush and tell us to hate ourselves, than to analyze what is really happening overseas. Perhaps because it may threaten their glorified picture of a world union?? Oh but then maybe you don't see the connection?!!?
Georgia is a strong believer in our form of government and therefore a strong ally. It is also the only country which stands in the way of Russia's total dominance in the supply of oil from the middle east.
I know one thing learned from the past: it will repeat and repeat until you take notice and resolve its cause or it will finally it explode in your face. So start noticing and start resolving before Russia will monopolize and create the next "cold" war we'll be much less prepared to deal with.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Taking 5

That's exactly what I have to do with my baskets of stocks I follow. This is a good time when direction is unclear, Washington being away, Olympic Games about to start, and markets are choppy in volume or direction. Attention is focused on China and the games, children going back to school or away to college, and last minute vacations are planned. The markets tend to reflect what we live and currently it's uncertainty. We are about to decide the future of our nation in the next quarter and it's important that we prepare what we can in advance. Clean your house, lessen your clutter and you'll be open to opportunities yet unknown, the be ready to rock and roll the last quarter of the year no matter which direction it takes. I've provided the music for inspiration. Enjoy! (click on title for "Take Five" click on picture for more of Dave Brubeck)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fighting a Battle (Part II) Visions of Change and Hope

The above was written by me a while ago but what brought it to mind again is that , Alexandr Solzhenitsyn died, so in honor I took out my copy (rather my father's copy) of his book: The Gulag Archipelago. A book with many highlighted passages and with lots of marginal notes left by my father who barely survived some of that horror. Perhaps Solzhenitsyn's death is a timely signal with a purpose for all of us to remember that we are not immune to making mistakes that cause much pain for future generations. It happens when we dismiss facts and run after hopes. It happens when we hand over power to others only too willing to run our lives.
Today's trading day was one very much like that. Waiting with almost complete stillness for a body of men to decide what the future of our money's value will be. That magical hour came and then traders waited for someone else to analyze it's results. I've been watching in amusement for years. It's almost comical if it weren't so tragic, because it shows that so many are very willing to have others decide how they should interpret facts and opinions. Resulting in a group mentality which totally ignores the fact that this country is doing well, despite the publicized so called worry in Washington. It ignores that this country has been creating more wealth since 2003, resulting in the most tax revenue collected in the last 4 consecutive years than ever before in history. It ignores the fact that the rest of the world is still growing and still in need of our equipment, education and inventions. It also ignores the fact that most businesses are not effected by it because most businesses serve the local community and not the world. We may be in a slowdown now, but we haven't imploded and I doubt we will if we continue the fine American tradition of ingenuity. We will not solve the energy shortage, nor the mortgage defaults in Washington. We will not solve the job losses or gains there either. Where it will be solved will be among the people living here, willing to risk and invest in their own ideas as they see a solution for a need. Despite all that you may hear or read that's how it's been done. The electric car has been available for many years for anyone who wanted one and not at a prohibitive cost. The light bulb was not invented in Washington, nor was the automobile, the airplane nor any miracle drug, or almost anything else that you can think of. It was it's people that created the most successful country in the world. It happened with hard work, much failure and finally success, mostly without fanfare amongst it's citizens and not in Washington.
Traders and investors will continue to flock to stocks (read companies) that are successful in bringing innovation to the forefront and available to all. But nothing can make people embrace what they do not want or are ready for. Unless, of course, you elect a government that will tell you what you can or can't do, can or can't have, what to think or not think, all because you gave it too much power to decide for you what is good for you or not. Drill or not to drill (for oil) is no longer up to the need of the people, nor up to the companies that helped build this country to greatness. They are now bad, shunned, entities labeled a greedy bunch. So in order to teach them a lesson, this government thinks it's best to send trillions of dollars overseas than to keep that money at home available to it's citizens. That's how a government with too much power solves problems, all the while pointing fingers and blaming others for it's lack of action. Ignoring the people's desire is dangerous, but blaming one man for it is even more so.