Targets & Results 10/30/2009
$BIDU Long $396, $397, $398.91 Short $$391, $389, $385, $375.91 ; $MA Short $225, $224, $222, $220$218 lod ; Total points BIDU Long 3.91, BIDU Short 19.09 ; MA 8.00
Posted 10/30/2009 03:40 PT
$BIDU Long above $395 to $396-$400 breaking above $401 to $404. Short below $393 to $391, $389 and $385 areas breaking below to as low as $375 test.
$MA Long sbove $228 to $229, $230 areas possible strong break out above $232. Short below $227 to $226, $225 and near $224. breaking below to $222-$220 areas
Targets & Results 10/29/2009
$AIG No entry /$BIDU Long $397, $399, $400.88 Short $392, $390, $389.11 /$CNQ Short $67.05 /$FSLR Short $124, $123.50, $122.75 lod / $MA Long $225, $228.80 hod /$GDX Long $44.35 /$NEM Long $43.50 /$POT Long $96, $97.69 hod /$WYNN Long $57, $57.76 hod Total Points BIDU Long 5.15, BIDU Short $5.89 CNQ Short 1.20 FSLR Short 4.25 MA long $5.32 GDX Long $1.85; NEM Long 1.20 ; POT 2.69 ; WYNN Long 1.76
Posted 10/29/2009 03:10 PT
The Dow:
$AIG Short below $35 to near $32.30, below $32 to $30 area; Long above $37 to near $39
$BIDU Long $397 to $399-$400 breaking $400 to $404 area ; Short below $395 to $392 area breaking down to $390-$389 the to near $385
$CNQ Short below $68.25 to $65.90 area ; Long above $69 to about $70 then near $71
$EQR Short below $28 to near $26 ; Long above $29.35 to near $30-$31
$FSLR Short below $127 to near $124 - 123.50 breaking lower to $120 then $115 area
$MA Long above $221 to near $223, $224, $225. Short below $220 to near $217.50 breaking lower to $215-$212 areas
$GDX Long above $42.50 to $44 - $45 area; Short below $42 to $40-$39 areas
$NEM Long above $42.30 to $43.50- $44 braking aboe $44.20 to $45.. Short below $41
$POT Short below $93 to near $91 ; Long a bove $95 to $96-$97 area
$WYNN Long aboe $56 to $57-$58 areas ; Short below $53.50 to about $51.80, lower to near $51-$50 area
Posted 10/28/2009
I have a caught a bug and am down for the duration. I'll try to post as I get to feel better.
On watch for Wednesday 10/28/2009: APOL , BIDU, FCX, FSLR, MT, POT, WYNN
Life relates to trading and trading relates to life. Constantly revealing, unfolding before us as we trade and live, so I write about how my life relates to trading and how I trade the markets. Along the way I share my opinions on anything that evokes my passion or tickles my funny bone trying not to forget that enjoying life is the best part of living.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Red Flags Everywhere: Weekend Update
Monday Morning 10/26/2009
In Hungary it used to be that many laughed at the raising of red flags, the "beloved" Soviet banner, as the color red meant a call to revolt or revolution. Revolution in true meaning means a turn about or around.
Well, I have red flags everywhere. No, not the kind you may see unless you look at history. I may be missing out on a lot of sky, but it's the abyss that is being ignored by enthusiasts of the climb.
While hiking, I've always felt that going up was easier than the descent, unless on skis where the reverse it true. Of course, the snow on this hill has long melted with the high volume and increasing traffic leading upward, therefore the descent I fear maybe more rocky, which at high speed may remove skin and strip flesh to the bone.
It is tough and dangerous to go against a stampede and for traders it's often deadly. So this by any means does not mean a change in course, yet, but more a sideline move. We've had a nice climb and we can say we've led the pack.
Since my originally calling BIDU long, privately, the climb has ascended nearly 300 points, since my posted public calls nearly 200 point gain has been recorded. That is nosebleed speed as all skiers, climbers know it. Danger of altitude sickness is high. Yet is shows no sign of alarm, as it may take off after GOOG at even higher speed depending on, the earnings report of today, post market.
Although BIDU is the focus of this article today, Monday, it is not the only one at such high elevation, there are numerous others that when looking down have a deep precipice to worry about. .. to be continued
Wednesday morning 10/28/2009
As witnessed Monday after market close, BIDU dove off it's precarious position and may have become the first crack in the slab which may yet to become an avalanche. Certainly the reaction to APOL's earnings report was extra-ordinary, Tuesday after market. So the market is definitely in a cautious if not a fearful mood. Looking at Tuesday final hour, I felt that the market was "saved by the bell".
Yet the question now becomes whether the long awaited correction will be happening all in unison, or will it wash out with a few at a time and over time. The climb certainly was that way, so can the decline be the same? That, indeed, would be interesting and would certainly disappoint the hungry short holders waiting for their desert. One thing for sure is that the road down will need to be taken even if the market still has another peak to conquer before it's long descent.

Thursday morning 10/29/2009
Another announcement, $FSLR, after markets yesterday evoked a quick selloff, furthering the evidence that the nerves of this market are frayed and the possibility of a panic could be triggered by bad news. Today shall be interesting, indeed.
Friday Evening, 10/30/2009
My last notes in @tickerville: DJI took out the last 2 days lows and it may finish lower. It broke the 9700 to 9685 the trendline for possible bounce if it holds 9652. I really wonder if it can; certainly by the evidence below, the selling is now accelerating and momentum is diminishing.

See you Monday and I hope it won't be black.
Happy Halloween
In Hungary it used to be that many laughed at the raising of red flags, the "beloved" Soviet banner, as the color red meant a call to revolt or revolution. Revolution in true meaning means a turn about or around.
Well, I have red flags everywhere. No, not the kind you may see unless you look at history. I may be missing out on a lot of sky, but it's the abyss that is being ignored by enthusiasts of the climb.
While hiking, I've always felt that going up was easier than the descent, unless on skis where the reverse it true. Of course, the snow on this hill has long melted with the high volume and increasing traffic leading upward, therefore the descent I fear maybe more rocky, which at high speed may remove skin and strip flesh to the bone.
It is tough and dangerous to go against a stampede and for traders it's often deadly. So this by any means does not mean a change in course, yet, but more a sideline move. We've had a nice climb and we can say we've led the pack.
Since my originally calling BIDU long, privately, the climb has ascended nearly 300 points, since my posted public calls nearly 200 point gain has been recorded. That is nosebleed speed as all skiers, climbers know it. Danger of altitude sickness is high. Yet is shows no sign of alarm, as it may take off after GOOG at even higher speed depending on, the earnings report of today, post market.
Although BIDU is the focus of this article today, Monday, it is not the only one at such high elevation, there are numerous others that when looking down have a deep precipice to worry about. .. to be continued
Wednesday morning 10/28/2009
As witnessed Monday after market close, BIDU dove off it's precarious position and may have become the first crack in the slab which may yet to become an avalanche. Certainly the reaction to APOL's earnings report was extra-ordinary, Tuesday after market. So the market is definitely in a cautious if not a fearful mood. Looking at Tuesday final hour, I felt that the market was "saved by the bell".
Yet the question now becomes whether the long awaited correction will be happening all in unison, or will it wash out with a few at a time and over time. The climb certainly was that way, so can the decline be the same? That, indeed, would be interesting and would certainly disappoint the hungry short holders waiting for their desert. One thing for sure is that the road down will need to be taken even if the market still has another peak to conquer before it's long descent.

Thursday morning 10/29/2009
Another announcement, $FSLR, after markets yesterday evoked a quick selloff, furthering the evidence that the nerves of this market are frayed and the possibility of a panic could be triggered by bad news. Today shall be interesting, indeed.
Friday Evening, 10/30/2009
My last notes in @tickerville: DJI took out the last 2 days lows and it may finish lower. It broke the 9700 to 9685 the trendline for possible bounce if it holds 9652. I really wonder if it can; certainly by the evidence below, the selling is now accelerating and momentum is diminishing.

See you Monday and I hope it won't be black.
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 26, 2009
Week of 10/19/2009 Results & Archive
Targets & Results 10/23/2009:
$BIDU Long $425, $428, $431 hit and exceeded to $437.50 / $FCX Long $84.28 high, Short 80.90 low / $MA $231, $232.60 high
Posted 10/23/2009 05:21 PT:
$BIDU Long to $425 then $428, $431 possible for new high. Look a few days back . Short below $416 to near $410
$FCX long to $83-$86. $87 . Short below $82 to about $80, $79
$MA long to $230-$231, retracing it's past to $236.; Short below $225 to 223, 220-$219 area.
Targets & Results 10/22/2009:
$BIDU $408, $410, $416 / $FCX L $83 / $GG No entry / $MA L $229.48 / $RIMM L $67.82 / $USO
Posted 10/22/2009 01:52 PT
$BIDU Long above $406, to $408-$410 breaking higher to $416-$420. Short below $404 to $402 near 400 area.
$FCX Long above 80 to about $82-84 ; Short below $79 to $77, near $75 losing
$GG Long above42.50 to $43.50 breakout above to $44. Short below $42 to $40-$38
$MA Long $226 yo $228, -$231 breaking higher to $235. Short below $224 to $221area breaking down to $220 breaking lower to $198-$195 areas.
$RIMM Short below $65 to $62-$59 Long above $66 to near $68
$USO long above $41.50 to $42-$44; Short below $40 to near $38
Targets & Results 10/21/2009
$ANR Long $42.20 (Tickerville) $BIDU Long $413, $415, $416.50 high / $FCX Long $82.59 / $FSLR Long $157 / $PCLN Long $178, $178.72 high /
Posted 10/21/2009 03:25 PT
$BIDU Short below $404 to $401-$398 ; Long aboe $408 to about $413, breaking higher to near $415
$FCX Long above $79.40 to about $83 Short below $72 to $69
$FSLR long above $155.20 to about $158-$160 Short below $151 to near $149 breaking below to $145 area
$PCLN Long above $174 to $177, breaking above to $1178-$180, Short below $172 to about $170 breaking below to $167 area
Targets & Results 10/20/2009
$BIDU Long $418 / $CAT no entry / $FSLR Long $156
Posted 07:05 PT
$BIDU Long above $415 to $418-$420 breakiing above $421 to near $425 short below $404 to about $402, $near $400 - $398 area
FSLR long above $155.20 to about $158 Short below $151 to near $149 breaking below to $145 area
$CAT long above $60.50 to $61, above 61.50 to $63.20 and $64 areas, $65-66 if breaks above $64.50 Short below $58 to near $55
Targets & Results 10/19/2009:
$APA Long $104.85 / $BIDU Long $407, $410, 415 ah/ $CAT Long $58.20 /$PCLN Long $173.75 high / $VNO no entry
$APA potential higher above $103 to near $ 105- $107 Short below $101 to $99 area
$PCLN shrt below 167.70 to about $166, Long above $169.20 to near 171
Posted 10/19/2009 04:50 PT
$BIDU Short below $393 to $390, $388 areas, and as low as 381-380. Long above $404 to $407, breaking above to $410.
$CAT Long above $55 to about 57-$59 Short below $53 toa bout $50-$49
$VNO Short below $60.50 to about $59 Long above $63 to about $65-$66
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
$BIDU Long $425, $428, $431 hit and exceeded to $437.50 / $FCX Long $84.28 high, Short 80.90 low / $MA $231, $232.60 high
Posted 10/23/2009 05:21 PT:
$BIDU Long to $425 then $428, $431 possible for new high. Look a few days back . Short below $416 to near $410
$FCX long to $83-$86. $87 . Short below $82 to about $80, $79
$MA long to $230-$231, retracing it's past to $236.; Short below $225 to 223, 220-$219 area.
Targets & Results 10/22/2009:
$BIDU $408, $410, $416 / $FCX L $83 / $GG No entry / $MA L $229.48 / $RIMM L $67.82 / $USO
Posted 10/22/2009 01:52 PT
$BIDU Long above $406, to $408-$410 breaking higher to $416-$420. Short below $404 to $402 near 400 area.
$FCX Long above 80 to about $82-84 ; Short below $79 to $77, near $75 losing
$GG Long above42.50 to $43.50 breakout above to $44. Short below $42 to $40-$38
$MA Long $226 yo $228, -$231 breaking higher to $235. Short below $224 to $221area breaking down to $220 breaking lower to $198-$195 areas.
$RIMM Short below $65 to $62-$59 Long above $66 to near $68
$USO long above $41.50 to $42-$44; Short below $40 to near $38
Targets & Results 10/21/2009
$ANR Long $42.20 (Tickerville) $BIDU Long $413, $415, $416.50 high / $FCX Long $82.59 / $FSLR Long $157 / $PCLN Long $178, $178.72 high /
Posted 10/21/2009 03:25 PT
$BIDU Short below $404 to $401-$398 ; Long aboe $408 to about $413, breaking higher to near $415
$FCX Long above $79.40 to about $83 Short below $72 to $69
$FSLR long above $155.20 to about $158-$160 Short below $151 to near $149 breaking below to $145 area
$PCLN Long above $174 to $177, breaking above to $1178-$180, Short below $172 to about $170 breaking below to $167 area
Targets & Results 10/20/2009
$BIDU Long $418 / $CAT no entry / $FSLR Long $156
Posted 07:05 PT
$BIDU Long above $415 to $418-$420 breakiing above $421 to near $425 short below $404 to about $402, $near $400 - $398 area
FSLR long above $155.20 to about $158 Short below $151 to near $149 breaking below to $145 area
$CAT long above $60.50 to $61, above 61.50 to $63.20 and $64 areas, $65-66 if breaks above $64.50 Short below $58 to near $55
Targets & Results 10/19/2009:
$APA Long $104.85 / $BIDU Long $407, $410, 415 ah/ $CAT Long $58.20 /$PCLN Long $173.75 high / $VNO no entry
$APA potential higher above $103 to near $ 105- $107 Short below $101 to $99 area
$PCLN shrt below 167.70 to about $166, Long above $169.20 to near 171
Posted 10/19/2009 04:50 PT
$BIDU Short below $393 to $390, $388 areas, and as low as 381-380. Long above $404 to $407, breaking above to $410.
$CAT Long above $55 to about 57-$59 Short below $53 toa bout $50-$49
$VNO Short below $60.50 to about $59 Long above $63 to about $65-$66
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Friday, October 23, 2009
23 Oktober 1956 A National Rememberence
The Lyrics
I want to list the names of those who were the executioners of 1956 and pronounced the death sentence on a pure revolt.
Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land
I want to list the names of those who I can't forgive for many years imprisonment and thousands of tears
Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land
Does the World expect us to forgive them out of Christian compassion?
Shall we go on and forget those whose tanks crushed children, whose rifle volleys killed the unarmed?
Shall we forget the years of oppression, and the horrors;
The many years of torture of the hunted?
Shall we forget that they buried our countrymen face down or
That for many emigration was the only choice?
Shall we forget the torture of our young fighters or their last words before execution?
Shall we forgive and wait for history to condemn them?
Well, no, no and no!
Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land
The end
We cannot forget our history. It is what shapes us and helps us guard the good.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Week of 10/12/2009 Results & Archive
Targets & Results 10/16/2009:
$BIDU Short target $398, $393, $392.50 low / $FSLR Short $147.17/ $PCLN short $167.45 / $MA continued long from yesterday stop $225, new entry today $-.65 / $GRMN short $37.34
Posted 10/16/2009 2:06 PT
$APA continued long to $103, break high to $105 area. short below 100 to about $98
$BIDU Long above $404 to near $406 breaking above to $407 -$410 area. Short below 402 to near 400 breaking below to 398 area, lower to $393.
FSLR Short below 152 to below $150 breaking below $149 to $147-$144 area. Long above $157 to $159 area, breaking $161-$162
$GRMN Long above $39.00 to about $41 areas breaking above to $44-$47. Short below $38 to near $36 area.
Internet outage 10/15/2009
$APA Long above $100 to about $102, higher to $104 area, short below $97 to $95 area
$BIDU Long above $412 to $416, breaking above, as yesterday to $420,$421-$425.Short below $409 to $407-$405 area, breaking below may dropt to retest the $398 area
$FSLR Long above $155 to about $157, breaking to $160 area, Short below $154 to near $153 breaking below to about $148 area
Targets & Results 10/13/2009:
$BIDU Long $416.98; Short $405.90 ; $FSLR Long $157.45; Short $152, $149, $146.92 low
Posted 4/14/2009 03:56 PT
$BIDU Long above $410 to $412- $415 area breaking above $416 to $419; Short below $407 to near $404 breaking below $402-$399
$FSLR Short below 154 to near $152 breaking below to about $149; Long above $155 to about $156-158, breaking above to $159 higher possible to $163
Targets & Results 10/13/2009:
$BIDU Short $408, $406 $404.37 low / $FSLR Short $157, $156, $154.32 low
BIDU Short below $410 to about $408, breaking below $408 , $406, $403 areas. Long above $416 to near $420, $422-$425, Needs to break $426 for higher.
$FSLR Long above $159 to $160 area breaking above to $162, watch for breakout above $163-$164 area. Short below 158 to $157 area below, to near $156
Posted 10/13/2009 04:55
Targets & Results 10/12/2009
BIDU Long $426.65/ Short $415, $413, $410.69 / $APA Long $101.73 high, Short $98.83
Posted 4/12/2009 03:56 PT
Happy Columbus Day and Happy Birthday to my son!
$APA long above 101. 32 to about $103, breaking above $103.50 to about $105 short below $100 to $98 area
$BIDU short below $416 to about $415 -413 breaking below to about $410;Long above 424 to 425- 427, then to 430
Watching APA, MA, DIG GLD MEE MT ROST to start
$BIDU Short target $398, $393, $392.50 low / $FSLR Short $147.17/ $PCLN short $167.45 / $MA continued long from yesterday stop $225, new entry today $-.65 / $GRMN short $37.34
Posted 10/16/2009 2:06 PT
$APA continued long to $103, break high to $105 area. short below 100 to about $98
$BIDU Long above $404 to near $406 breaking above to $407 -$410 area. Short below 402 to near 400 breaking below to 398 area, lower to $393.
FSLR Short below 152 to below $150 breaking below $149 to $147-$144 area. Long above $157 to $159 area, breaking $161-$162
$GRMN Long above $39.00 to about $41 areas breaking above to $44-$47. Short below $38 to near $36 area.
Internet outage 10/15/2009
$APA Long above $100 to about $102, higher to $104 area, short below $97 to $95 area
$BIDU Long above $412 to $416, breaking above, as yesterday to $420,$421-$425.Short below $409 to $407-$405 area, breaking below may dropt to retest the $398 area
$FSLR Long above $155 to about $157, breaking to $160 area, Short below $154 to near $153 breaking below to about $148 area
Targets & Results 10/13/2009:
$BIDU Long $416.98; Short $405.90 ; $FSLR Long $157.45; Short $152, $149, $146.92 low
Posted 4/14/2009 03:56 PT
$BIDU Long above $410 to $412- $415 area breaking above $416 to $419; Short below $407 to near $404 breaking below $402-$399
$FSLR Short below 154 to near $152 breaking below to about $149; Long above $155 to about $156-158, breaking above to $159 higher possible to $163
Targets & Results 10/13/2009:
$BIDU Short $408, $406 $404.37 low / $FSLR Short $157, $156, $154.32 low
BIDU Short below $410 to about $408, breaking below $408 , $406, $403 areas. Long above $416 to near $420, $422-$425, Needs to break $426 for higher.
$FSLR Long above $159 to $160 area breaking above to $162, watch for breakout above $163-$164 area. Short below 158 to $157 area below, to near $156
Posted 10/13/2009 04:55
Targets & Results 10/12/2009
BIDU Long $426.65/ Short $415, $413, $410.69 / $APA Long $101.73 high, Short $98.83
Posted 4/12/2009 03:56 PT
Happy Columbus Day and Happy Birthday to my son!
$APA long above 101. 32 to about $103, breaking above $103.50 to about $105 short below $100 to $98 area
$BIDU short below $416 to about $415 -413 breaking below to about $410;Long above 424 to 425- 427, then to 430
Watching APA, MA, DIG GLD MEE MT ROST to start
Friday, October 16, 2009
Google On My Mind
So, GOOG blew it out of the water. The social media is ablaze with comments. Not a surprise. Every one's favorite report never disappoints. Such a wonder of a company. I have a suspicion about companies that are so worshiped, when they can't do "wrong" in so many eyes.
I have a problem with their philosophy that allows for violations of principals. So I don't trade it anymore. I seldom look at it; and I worry about its power over human beings. So many things collected by them have the potential of a very grave wrong. When a company allows for censuring of Democratic ideals, that worries me. When a company supports socialist states and leaders, that is against all that I hold dear, they lose my respect. When a company wishes to be the sole collector of medical records, that alarms me. When a company has power to advise the President of the USA and has a former V.P. on it's board whose principal goal is to flame the fear about global warming in order to cash in on "cap & trade", I find very dangerous.
Of course it's evident that I use Google; right here with this blog. I use them and like the fact that I can find information so easily. I think they've done a great service, but like anything in life, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.
When one company has so much power, it can literally allow them to rule. So much information in one "hand", that can be altered. There's already a problem that copyrights are not respected, so books could be destroyed. People's whereabouts, businesses, privacy can be violated and could be revealed. Of the thousands that work there, can you trust them all? I think, they're too big and in need of some serious competition; but will it be allowed? I wonder, is HAL born?
Happy Trading, Dancing and Living
I have a problem with their philosophy that allows for violations of principals. So I don't trade it anymore. I seldom look at it; and I worry about its power over human beings. So many things collected by them have the potential of a very grave wrong. When a company allows for censuring of Democratic ideals, that worries me. When a company supports socialist states and leaders, that is against all that I hold dear, they lose my respect. When a company wishes to be the sole collector of medical records, that alarms me. When a company has power to advise the President of the USA and has a former V.P. on it's board whose principal goal is to flame the fear about global warming in order to cash in on "cap & trade", I find very dangerous.
Of course it's evident that I use Google; right here with this blog. I use them and like the fact that I can find information so easily. I think they've done a great service, but like anything in life, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.
When one company has so much power, it can literally allow them to rule. So much information in one "hand", that can be altered. There's already a problem that copyrights are not respected, so books could be destroyed. People's whereabouts, businesses, privacy can be violated and could be revealed. Of the thousands that work there, can you trust them all? I think, they're too big and in need of some serious competition; but will it be allowed? I wonder, is HAL born?
Happy Trading, Dancing and Living
Friday, October 9, 2009
Week of 10/05/2009 Results & Archive
Results and Targets hit 10/09/2009
$APA Long $101 / $BIDU Long premarket $418, Long $$425, exceeded to $428.70 /$DGX Long $54.93 / $FSLR both long and short continue to fail near entry. / $GNK no entry today/ $MA short $210.24 low, long $214.30, $214.83 high / $MUR long $61, $61.50 high
Posted 10/09/2009 04:58 PT
$APA continued long to $101-$103 breaking above to 104-$106. Short below $98 to $95
$BIDU Long above $413 to $415, $417, $420. Short below $410 to about $405, 401 areas.
$DGX long to about $55-$56. Short below $53.20 to about $52
$FSLR cautious long above $157 to $159-$160 possible $163 Short below $154.80 to $151, $149-$143
$GNK Long above $22.60 to about $23.60-$24
$MA short below $211 to about $209 handle, break down below $208.50 to $205, $203; long above $213.50 high to about $214.30, $215, $217, $219
$MUR Long to about $60, breaking above $60.50 to $61
Results and Targets hit 10/08/2009
$APA Long $99, $100.84/ $BIDU Long $419.89/ $DGX Long $54.20/ $FSLR long $158/ $Long $215/ $POT Long $93.47/ $SOHU Short $66.22/ $V Long $72.03 / $VNO no entry
Posted 10/08/2009 06:28 PT
$APA contine long to $99-$100, possible breakout to $101-$102, Short below $97 to about $95
$BIDU cont long to about $420-$421. Short below $410 to $405 then $401 area.
$DGX above $53.50 to about $54.50, $55
$FSLR catious long above $157 to $159-$160 possible $163
$MA short below $211 to about $209 handle, break down below $208.50 to $205, $203; long above $213.50 high to about $214.30, $215-$217
$POT Long above $92 to near $93, $95 area. Short below $91 to about $89 , $87
$SOHU Long to near $70,- $72 , Short below $$68 to about $66, $65
$V long above $71.50 to $$72.50, Short below $71 to near $70
$VNO as yesterday
Results and Targets hit 10/07/2009
$APA Long $97.84 / $BIDU Long targets hit $407, $408, $410, $414.65 just short of $415 high / $BIG long $26.47 high/ $FSLR long targets hit $153, $154, $155/ $GRMN (the lap puppy) Long $37.23 high/$MA Long targets hit $203, $205, $206, $210/ $VNO no entry
Posted 10/07/2009 04:58 PT
$APA Long from Monday continue above $97 to near $98 breaking to $99-$100. Short below $95 to $93-$90 breaking below to about $88
$BIDU Long above $403 to about $407 break above all time high at 408, to $410-$415. Short below 398 to $396, 393 area possibly $390, break below $390 to 386-383
$BIG long to about $27, $27.50- $28 Short below $26 to about $25
$FSLR Long above $151 to about $1153, $154-$156, $157 areas, break could go to $160-$162. Short below $148 to about $145, $142 areas
$GRMN long to about $38 braking higher to $40 area. Short below $36.50 to about $34 breaking below to about $32 area.
$MA short below $200 to about $198 - $197 below $196 to about $193. Long above $201 to about $203, $205, above $206 to $210 (posted in @tickerville)
$VNO Long above $63 to about $64.50 breaking above to $66-$67. Short below $61 to about $60-$59 area.
Results and Targets 10/06/2009
$APA $97.36 high, from Monday entry, still holding some / $BIDU Long @open $389 (target from Monday) exceeded 401.19 high/ $FSLR Long $153, $154.04 high/ $LVS long $18.25 high from Monday (closed)
No New Posts 10/06/2009
Results and Targets 10/05/2009
$APA Long $91.50, $93.05 high /$BIDU no entry hit ./ $FSLR Long $152.30 high / $LVS Long $17.55 / $PNC Long $46.68 high
Posted 10/05/2009 04:49 PT
$APA Long above $90 to about $91.50 Short below $87.50 to about $86
$BIDU Long above $383 to about $387-389 . Short below $376 to about $372-$369
$FSLR Long above $151 to about $153, $155, $158.50. Short below $148 to about $143
$LVS Long above 16.75 to abou $17.50-$18.50. Short below $16 to bout $15.30, $14.80
$PNC Long above $46 to about $48, $50. Short below $45 to about 44, $43
$APA Long $101 / $BIDU Long premarket $418, Long $$425, exceeded to $428.70 /$DGX Long $54.93 / $FSLR both long and short continue to fail near entry. / $GNK no entry today/ $MA short $210.24 low, long $214.30, $214.83 high / $MUR long $61, $61.50 high
Posted 10/09/2009 04:58 PT
$APA continued long to $101-$103 breaking above to 104-$106. Short below $98 to $95
$BIDU Long above $413 to $415, $417, $420. Short below $410 to about $405, 401 areas.
$DGX long to about $55-$56. Short below $53.20 to about $52
$FSLR cautious long above $157 to $159-$160 possible $163 Short below $154.80 to $151, $149-$143
$GNK Long above $22.60 to about $23.60-$24
$MA short below $211 to about $209 handle, break down below $208.50 to $205, $203; long above $213.50 high to about $214.30, $215, $217, $219
$MUR Long to about $60, breaking above $60.50 to $61
Results and Targets hit 10/08/2009
$APA Long $99, $100.84/ $BIDU Long $419.89/ $DGX Long $54.20/ $FSLR long $158/ $Long $215/ $POT Long $93.47/ $SOHU Short $66.22/ $V Long $72.03 / $VNO no entry
Posted 10/08/2009 06:28 PT
$APA contine long to $99-$100, possible breakout to $101-$102, Short below $97 to about $95
$BIDU cont long to about $420-$421. Short below $410 to $405 then $401 area.
$DGX above $53.50 to about $54.50, $55
$FSLR catious long above $157 to $159-$160 possible $163
$MA short below $211 to about $209 handle, break down below $208.50 to $205, $203; long above $213.50 high to about $214.30, $215-$217
$POT Long above $92 to near $93, $95 area. Short below $91 to about $89 , $87
$SOHU Long to near $70,- $72 , Short below $$68 to about $66, $65
$V long above $71.50 to $$72.50, Short below $71 to near $70
$VNO as yesterday
Results and Targets hit 10/07/2009
$APA Long $97.84 / $BIDU Long targets hit $407, $408, $410, $414.65 just short of $415 high / $BIG long $26.47 high/ $FSLR long targets hit $153, $154, $155/ $GRMN (the lap puppy) Long $37.23 high/$MA Long targets hit $203, $205, $206, $210/ $VNO no entry
Posted 10/07/2009 04:58 PT
$APA Long from Monday continue above $97 to near $98 breaking to $99-$100. Short below $95 to $93-$90 breaking below to about $88
$BIDU Long above $403 to about $407 break above all time high at 408, to $410-$415. Short below 398 to $396, 393 area possibly $390, break below $390 to 386-383
$BIG long to about $27, $27.50- $28 Short below $26 to about $25
$FSLR Long above $151 to about $1153, $154-$156, $157 areas, break could go to $160-$162. Short below $148 to about $145, $142 areas
$GRMN long to about $38 braking higher to $40 area. Short below $36.50 to about $34 breaking below to about $32 area.
$MA short below $200 to about $198 - $197 below $196 to about $193. Long above $201 to about $203, $205, above $206 to $210 (posted in @tickerville)
$VNO Long above $63 to about $64.50 breaking above to $66-$67. Short below $61 to about $60-$59 area.
Results and Targets 10/06/2009
$APA $97.36 high, from Monday entry, still holding some / $BIDU Long @open $389 (target from Monday) exceeded 401.19 high/ $FSLR Long $153, $154.04 high/ $LVS long $18.25 high from Monday (closed)
No New Posts 10/06/2009
Results and Targets 10/05/2009
$APA Long $91.50, $93.05 high /$BIDU no entry hit ./ $FSLR Long $152.30 high / $LVS Long $17.55 / $PNC Long $46.68 high
Posted 10/05/2009 04:49 PT
$APA Long above $90 to about $91.50 Short below $87.50 to about $86
$BIDU Long above $383 to about $387-389 . Short below $376 to about $372-$369
$FSLR Long above $151 to about $153, $155, $158.50. Short below $148 to about $143
$LVS Long above 16.75 to abou $17.50-$18.50. Short below $16 to bout $15.30, $14.80
$PNC Long above $46 to about $48, $50. Short below $45 to about 44, $43
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Post Market Thoughts IV
"Frankly, this will be an interesting day, but then which day is not? None of us have seen such times as these with what seems like USA standing on a precipice waiting for a parachute. Signals look like we’ll fly at least for a while, but I don’t like to use a broad brush on the markets, because that creates an expectation. So keep a clear mind and look at each chart as a world of it’s own."
I posted that in this morning's comments in @Tickerville with my calls, and it is what became very evident as the day unfolded. When we put expectations no matter how minute in our thoughts, we automatically skew our sight. It's just nature. It makes no difference if it's positive or negative because it picks no sides, a bias is a bias and that's what will reflect on your picks, entries and exits. You may not even notice it it's so subtle, unless at some point or another you catch yourself trying to push it, like I did with MA once the last target of $210 was hit. I saw more bullishness because I wanted to and forgot to check further out as is my normal custom. The $211.18 strong resistence did not show up on the 60 minute chart, where my focus was on the potential cup rim of $212.00, but it was clear as a bell on the daily; only I did not look. Never mind that it came very close by hitting $211.50, the point is that the pullback from that level was natural and I almost took offense. Human nature when one is in mode of expectation and it can cost missing an excellent exit.
I am telling the tale only because the after hours earnings today have put an expectation about tomorrow already into our minds. So how you or I start our day, will totally depend on how clear we can approach the markets in the morning, by how well we will eliminate thoughts that could give our vision a false picture.
Our minds are like a camera, and it's not true that pictures don't lie; they always do in fact, but the clearer you can see the whole picture the less the lie can take hold. So here's to tomorrow and a clean, clear, slate where anything can happen.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
I posted that in this morning's comments in @Tickerville with my calls, and it is what became very evident as the day unfolded. When we put expectations no matter how minute in our thoughts, we automatically skew our sight. It's just nature. It makes no difference if it's positive or negative because it picks no sides, a bias is a bias and that's what will reflect on your picks, entries and exits. You may not even notice it it's so subtle, unless at some point or another you catch yourself trying to push it, like I did with MA once the last target of $210 was hit. I saw more bullishness because I wanted to and forgot to check further out as is my normal custom. The $211.18 strong resistence did not show up on the 60 minute chart, where my focus was on the potential cup rim of $212.00, but it was clear as a bell on the daily; only I did not look. Never mind that it came very close by hitting $211.50, the point is that the pullback from that level was natural and I almost took offense. Human nature when one is in mode of expectation and it can cost missing an excellent exit.
I am telling the tale only because the after hours earnings today have put an expectation about tomorrow already into our minds. So how you or I start our day, will totally depend on how clear we can approach the markets in the morning, by how well we will eliminate thoughts that could give our vision a false picture.
Our minds are like a camera, and it's not true that pictures don't lie; they always do in fact, but the clearer you can see the whole picture the less the lie can take hold. So here's to tomorrow and a clean, clear, slate where anything can happen.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Friday, October 2, 2009
Week of 09/28/2009 Results & Archive
Results & Targets 10/02/2009
$APA no entry/ $BIDU Long all targets hit to $382 / $GLD Long no target hit -.33 eod close/ $MA no long or short positions entered /$PNC Short no target hit, low 44.02 / /$VNO Short for those holding $59 for new entries, $60.20.
Enjoy the weekend, see you next week. Anni
Posted 10/02/2009 04:19 PT
$DJIA watch the 9450 support if it break lower, next 9200 area, if it supports, look for a bounce.
$APA continue short to about $87.50 area, breaking lower to about $85. Long above 91 to about $92-$93
$BIDU continue the short to about $368, breaking lower- $363, $359, $352 areas. Long to about $375, $377-$379 breaking above $380 to $382 area.
$GLD short below $97.50 to about $96, $95.30, breaking lower to $94. Long above $98.50 to about 99.50
$MA short below $199 to about $195, $193-$187. Long above $201 to about $203 area
$PNC continue short to about $45 breaking lower to $42.50 area. Long above $46.40 to about $47.50
$VNO continue short below $61 to about $60 then to $58.50. Long above $63.50 to about $66
Results & Targets 10/01/2009
$APA Short $90 / $BIDU Short all targets, final $371.49/ $FSLR Short $144 (Monday call)/ $GLD No Position / $PNC Short all targets $46.80 / $VNO Short all targets $62
Calls Posted in Tickerville Forum 10/01/2009
$APA Long above $92 to about $93, $94 to 95 may be possible. Short below $91.50 to $90, breaking below to about $88, near $87
$BIDU Looks like we are still sideways on this and the true first V of the W has yet to form...Short below $391 to about $390, $388, $383-$376, and incrementally down to as low as $352. Long above $392 to about $396, braking above, $398, $400-$402
$GLD Long to about $99-101
$PNC Long to about $51-$53. Short below $48 to about $47.30, breaking $47 to about $46.80
$VNO Long to about $65-$66 ; Short below $64 to about $63-$62
No Calls Posted on Blog 10/01/2009
Hope to get back in the swing of things here soon
No Calls Posted 09/30/2009
No Calls Posted 09/29/2009
Posted 09/28/2009 04:20 PT
$BIDU Long above $383 to $385, $387, $390-$398; Short below $382 to $380, $377-$371 and lower to $369 and possibility to $352.
$CA Losing the 50dma at $21.40 will likely revisit and test dbl bottom of 9/3/09 near $20
$FSLR trapped between the 200 and 50 dma has some possible strength. Long above $153 to about $156, $158-$162 ; Short below $147 to abut $144.50, further break below $144 to about $139
$GR short to about $52, then $51, breaking below about $48; Long above $54 to about $56
$MA Long above $202 to about $205, $206-208. Short below $202 to about $200-$201, may have a bounce from these areas. Breaking below $200 to about $199, $195
$UNG trying for a breakthrough above the $12 again, longer term about $13
$APA no entry/ $BIDU Long all targets hit to $382 / $GLD Long no target hit -.33 eod close/ $MA no long or short positions entered /$PNC Short no target hit, low 44.02 / /$VNO Short for those holding $59 for new entries, $60.20.
Enjoy the weekend, see you next week. Anni
Posted 10/02/2009 04:19 PT
$DJIA watch the 9450 support if it break lower, next 9200 area, if it supports, look for a bounce.
$APA continue short to about $87.50 area, breaking lower to about $85. Long above 91 to about $92-$93
$BIDU continue the short to about $368, breaking lower- $363, $359, $352 areas. Long to about $375, $377-$379 breaking above $380 to $382 area.
$GLD short below $97.50 to about $96, $95.30, breaking lower to $94. Long above $98.50 to about 99.50
$MA short below $199 to about $195, $193-$187. Long above $201 to about $203 area
$PNC continue short to about $45 breaking lower to $42.50 area. Long above $46.40 to about $47.50
$VNO continue short below $61 to about $60 then to $58.50. Long above $63.50 to about $66
Results & Targets 10/01/2009
$APA Short $90 / $BIDU Short all targets, final $371.49/ $FSLR Short $144 (Monday call)/ $GLD No Position / $PNC Short all targets $46.80 / $VNO Short all targets $62
Calls Posted in Tickerville Forum 10/01/2009
$APA Long above $92 to about $93, $94 to 95 may be possible. Short below $91.50 to $90, breaking below to about $88, near $87
$BIDU Looks like we are still sideways on this and the true first V of the W has yet to form...Short below $391 to about $390, $388, $383-$376, and incrementally down to as low as $352. Long above $392 to about $396, braking above, $398, $400-$402
$GLD Long to about $99-101
$PNC Long to about $51-$53. Short below $48 to about $47.30, breaking $47 to about $46.80
$VNO Long to about $65-$66 ; Short below $64 to about $63-$62
No Calls Posted on Blog 10/01/2009
Hope to get back in the swing of things here soon
No Calls Posted 09/30/2009
No Calls Posted 09/29/2009
Posted 09/28/2009 04:20 PT
$BIDU Long above $383 to $385, $387, $390-$398; Short below $382 to $380, $377-$371 and lower to $369 and possibility to $352.
$CA Losing the 50dma at $21.40 will likely revisit and test dbl bottom of 9/3/09 near $20
$FSLR trapped between the 200 and 50 dma has some possible strength. Long above $153 to about $156, $158-$162 ; Short below $147 to abut $144.50, further break below $144 to about $139
$GR short to about $52, then $51, breaking below about $48; Long above $54 to about $56
$MA Long above $202 to about $205, $206-208. Short below $202 to about $200-$201, may have a bounce from these areas. Breaking below $200 to about $199, $195
$UNG trying for a breakthrough above the $12 again, longer term about $13
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