The final days of a trading year run abundant with self-congratulatory notes of one type or another all pointing to how "they" got it "right". The reviews run from network TV to blogs and twits. Everyone who said anything at all during the year can have a claim to "getting it right" as some point or another, me included.
Yet what I would rather concentrate on is how you,I,everyone who can read this deserves congratulations just for sticking with it all year long. To say that this has been a difficult year for traders is perhaps an understatement; the markets dove the world over fearing reality and an uncertain future only to be followed by a market recovery surprising even the most optimistic optimist. It is a year where we've witnessed the world, and logic being turned upside down; where we witnessed triple digit deficits along with double digit unemployment and a weakened dollar. The world accepted them with surprisingly low protestation and by the 3rd quarter with enthusiasm.
We embraced a blind trust in governments as the only way to solve our woes and those in charge continued happily to push their agenda toward socialism in ever increasing degrees. The ones in charge know that if they give us a pain pill, we'll happily swallow rather than suffer in our own creation. We, on the other hand, gladly accepted the premise that, we will not have to suffer the consequences if we keep pushing our debt forward, in our continued belief that if it worked in the past it will surely work again. Thus, with larger and an ever ballooning debt the snowball was made so humongous that most of us can't even imagine the size, let alone the numbers, so our brains just block them therefore it becomes a zero. Hey, new math works! People are using it everywhere; you know them and hear them daily as we speak: a decade equals 9 years, a century equals 99 years; 4.4% unemployment is bad, 10% is getting better; and 2+2 equals whatever you wish it to be. Debt is imaginary, numbers are not important, what and how we "feel" is ever more important, regardless of reality; So it is that Capitalism became a failed model and Socialism a proven success.
I am certain that the USA Congress, the President, and the Courts will probably never have to face the consequences of their leadership, as it is not their custom to own up to any wrong doing. Blaming others is forever their game, and we, ignoring their role in making the rules and policies, continue to support their actions. Their past actions continue to prove the point, which we continue to ignore. Our leaders in government will blame everyone they forced their policies upon, rather than recognize their role in creating the atmosphere which made it possible. Take the case of the sub prime mortgages in which our policy makers never admitted their role, yet blame banks for their greed and now for tightening their loan policies as the reason for the housing bubble and collapse. The same sub prime mortgage policies which they forced on banks in the 1990's, continue decaying Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae because the rules were never changed and, as of just a day ago the government increased their guaranteed funding as a necessary step to saving the housing market from further collapse.
We continued our giddy faith in watching our elected officials getting ever bolder in knowing what is "right" for us, by sticking us yet with another multi-trillion dollar estimated debt via a Health care Bill, the consequences of which we shall not realize until well into and toward the end of the next decade, yet for which we shall start paying this coming January. Yes, that is the day after tomorrow, and to further make sure that we'll keep our place, our "caring" leaders are trying to disallow any changes, repeal or dismantling of any part of it.
Of course, I hope we are all aware that those in the hallowed halls of our governments and those who work for the same, are exempt from this so called "Health Care",as they are increasingly exempt from all their rules, policies, mandates and the consequences of them. For those wishing to have an example of what is meant by "some are more equal than others", look no further; it is a philosophy more increasingly practiced by our government,while they blame corporations of the same. The difference we seem to overlook: corporations have a market to answer the government has a people to answer. Interestingly, the government ignores the people more, than corporations the market.
The cost of all of this manipulation should not take a math genius to figure; as with all cost estimates by a government that wishes to do us "good", it is not necessary to the equation and as it will become necessary for your own welfare,therefore accuracy becomes irrelevant. In other words, bend over, "Here is to your health!". As with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, along with cost of federally run Education, it will be non- consequential to our future, as they count on us not to be around much longer to protest and count on the newborns to be well conditioned to the costs and entitlements. Remember the "benefits" are not going to be realized for several years, so be patient, they know we'll get used to it and then like with all other socialized entitlement bills,we'll want to feed at the troth, as our "right".
But we should not worry, after all they can print more money, forget the dangers of inflation, deflation and suffocation! We can survive, as we have done in the past, we just need someone to tell us what to do, to save us. Yes, that is what we want a government saviour to forgive our sins and our trespasses; to give us leave of our senses.
Here's to 2009
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing and a hearty Congratulations for a year well survived!
Life relates to trading and trading relates to life. Constantly revealing, unfolding before us as we trade and live, so I write about how my life relates to trading and how I trade the markets. Along the way I share my opinions on anything that evokes my passion or tickles my funny bone trying not to forget that enjoying life is the best part of living.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Daily Note - Markets Still on Holiday
I'm still in a holiday mood. What can I say, it's a nice way to spend the time. Next year will come fast enough. I just love the quiet time which winter solstice brings. Hot chocolate in hand, with winter scenery around, I peek at the charts and keep up with the world.
While considering a trade or two, I remember that this, the last days of trading for the year, will be the last opportunity to equalize winners/losers in your portfolio for maximum tax advantage. So, as a trader, looking at big losers and big winners may be the way to strategize this week. Accumulating strong stocks for next year and releasing weak ones to balance winners will give some opportunities for traders. Also remember that most traders are still out of the scene and will not totally participate unless, like me, they see something irresistible.
So enjoy the day, trade them well, prepare for next year, and most of all,
Let It Snow ...
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
While considering a trade or two, I remember that this, the last days of trading for the year, will be the last opportunity to equalize winners/losers in your portfolio for maximum tax advantage. So, as a trader, looking at big losers and big winners may be the way to strategize this week. Accumulating strong stocks for next year and releasing weak ones to balance winners will give some opportunities for traders. Also remember that most traders are still out of the scene and will not totally participate unless, like me, they see something irresistible.
So enjoy the day, trade them well, prepare for next year, and most of all,
Let It Snow ...
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Daily Note - Christmas Stocking Stuffers
I just can't help it; I love the gift of giving so here are a few for you:
$AMZN looking Long above $128.5 to about $130-$131,$131.50-$132 Short below $126.90 to $125.70 breaking below $125.50 to about $122.90.
$MA Short below $248 to about $245, below $244 lowerto about $242 ; Long above $255 to about $257then on strong action to $259.
$V is shy of $90 ‘cause it’s never been there before. Long above $88 to about $90, breaking above to near $91. Short below $87 to $85 and below to near $82
$APWR long above $19 to about $20.50 - $21, above to about$22- $22.50; Short below $18.50 to about $18- $17.50
$ATLS Long above $31 to near $32.50 then to about $34. Short below $29 to about about $27.50,$26, $24.50
But please chart them yourself 'cause I'm too tuckered out.
To all a g'night
PS Don't forget to Rock Around a Christmas Tree
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
$AMZN looking Long above $128.5 to about $130-$131,$131.50-$132 Short below $126.90 to $125.70 breaking below $125.50 to about $122.90.
$MA Short below $248 to about $245, below $244 lowerto about $242 ; Long above $255 to about $257then on strong action to $259.
$V is shy of $90 ‘cause it’s never been there before. Long above $88 to about $90, breaking above to near $91. Short below $87 to $85 and below to near $82
$APWR long above $19 to about $20.50 - $21, above to about$22- $22.50; Short below $18.50 to about $18- $17.50
$ATLS Long above $31 to near $32.50 then to about $34. Short below $29 to about about $27.50,$26, $24.50
But please chart them yourself 'cause I'm too tuckered out.
To all a g'night
PS Don't forget to Rock Around a Christmas Tree
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Daily Note - A Grinch in Our Midst?
Having checked in daily to see the trends it seems we may have a Grinch in our midst to some, but I doubt it the case. No, not because I'm long but because what some think as OK in our world economy is really a house made of paper.
The housing that the current bubble burst upon was at least made of something concrete and to many it was shelter. But the current paper printing is built on nothing. Not even gold. The Chinese know this. We are long past our ability to meet our debts in monetary value and in GDP value.
What's the evidence? Congress had to extend the debt limit by $280 billion. When asked if it was feasible not to, it was told that with out debt we'd last 7 minutes without the extension.
Think about it ..7minutes.
What else? Well, FNM and FRE are asking for $440 BILLION each. Why would they need that if everything is doing so well.
What's coming? Do as we are told by a world economy which still has no realization that this rich country's death is their own demise too. Except perhaps for one, which has slowly accumulated property everywhere along with its gold; it's a Grinch all right, but one perhaps without the capacity of a large generous heart. Yet in this world which ultimately follows rules of survival, it is as it should be.
The PLAY LIST of which there is only one or two. If you watch the S&P it's still the same story:
I posted this earlier today on StockTwits but we have already sliced through it:

What's next is 10231 area and below is the 9800 I mentioned a while back. Will it happen this year or next? I have no crystal ball and I don't wish doom and gloom. If I'm wrong, I'll be elated, if I'm right, I'll be prepared.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
The housing that the current bubble burst upon was at least made of something concrete and to many it was shelter. But the current paper printing is built on nothing. Not even gold. The Chinese know this. We are long past our ability to meet our debts in monetary value and in GDP value.
What's the evidence? Congress had to extend the debt limit by $280 billion. When asked if it was feasible not to, it was told that with out debt we'd last 7 minutes without the extension.
Think about it ..7minutes.
What else? Well, FNM and FRE are asking for $440 BILLION each. Why would they need that if everything is doing so well.
What's coming? Do as we are told by a world economy which still has no realization that this rich country's death is their own demise too. Except perhaps for one, which has slowly accumulated property everywhere along with its gold; it's a Grinch all right, but one perhaps without the capacity of a large generous heart. Yet in this world which ultimately follows rules of survival, it is as it should be.
The PLAY LIST of which there is only one or two. If you watch the S&P it's still the same story:
I posted this earlier today on StockTwits but we have already sliced through it:

What's next is 10231 area and below is the 9800 I mentioned a while back. Will it happen this year or next? I have no crystal ball and I don't wish doom and gloom. If I'm wrong, I'll be elated, if I'm right, I'll be prepared.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Daily Note - The 3 Rs
I stated a week ago, Monday, that I will be taking a holiday from trading, starting this week, until the beginning of the year. Being a trader, however, it is important to keep abreast of the markets. Of course it's also difficult to stay away from a trading day when it's in ones blood, and one measures their pulse by it.
So, although on Holiday, I will be checking in from time to time during the next two weeks. I may post a trade or two, but will mostly be just be a periodic observer, since my first focus will be that of rest, relaxation and reflection. For me, it's a good time to prepare for the coming year since the markets get slow.
The 3 Rs (rest, relaxation, reflection) allow me to focus on what was and what can be, from which I make two lists: 1. A list of what I want to leave behind, in other words things that I may no longer need nor want in my life, and 2. A list of things I wish to bring or allow into my life. Once I complete this list, I burn the past letting it go and I release the future into the Universe on New Year's Eve by tying my list to a balloon. It's an annual "ritual",which I guess would make it the 4 Rs.
Count among the reflections THE PLAY LIST from Friday:
FSLR posted on StockTwits: $FSLR setting up for a move.. today? Monday? keep watching

APWR posted on Friday's Play List: Will move one way or another Long above $16.50 to near $17 needs to break above for higher to near $18.
I appreciate your visits & notes, and will be happy to continue to answer your questions. And all the while, I continue to wish you:
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
So, although on Holiday, I will be checking in from time to time during the next two weeks. I may post a trade or two, but will mostly be just be a periodic observer, since my first focus will be that of rest, relaxation and reflection. For me, it's a good time to prepare for the coming year since the markets get slow.
The 3 Rs (rest, relaxation, reflection) allow me to focus on what was and what can be, from which I make two lists: 1. A list of what I want to leave behind, in other words things that I may no longer need nor want in my life, and 2. A list of things I wish to bring or allow into my life. Once I complete this list, I burn the past letting it go and I release the future into the Universe on New Year's Eve by tying my list to a balloon. It's an annual "ritual",which I guess would make it the 4 Rs.
Count among the reflections THE PLAY LIST from Friday:
FSLR posted on StockTwits: $FSLR setting up for a move.. today? Monday? keep watching

APWR posted on Friday's Play List: Will move one way or another Long above $16.50 to near $17 needs to break above for higher to near $18.

I appreciate your visits & notes, and will be happy to continue to answer your questions. And all the while, I continue to wish you:
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Daily Note - TGIF Christmas Thoughts
Well, it's TGIF day, and usually I am suspect of any big moves to carry the day. Many usually putter out by mid-day and I suspect today won't be much different, except that it is one less week to go before the Christmas holiday. I suspect most traders have made plans and are well on their way to the place of their choice mentally. Christmas Carols are beginning to wave through my brain which always sets my mood to festive mode. Perhaps it's time to share a tune or two
THE PLAY LIST: Hope that sets this day's moves to be happy and may your trading day be gay.
MA Short below $243.00 to near $241, $240,if broken, $239-$236. Long above $244 to $245.50 breaking through $246 with strength to $248.

AMZN Long above $136.30 to about $139, breaking higher could got to $142. Short below $135 to $133-$132 areas

APWR Will move one way or another Long above $16.50 to near $17 needs to break above for higher to near $18. Short below $15.50 to about $15 and lower possible to near $14.20

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
THE PLAY LIST: Hope that sets this day's moves to be happy and may your trading day be gay.
MA Short below $243.00 to near $241, $240,if broken, $239-$236. Long above $244 to $245.50 breaking through $246 with strength to $248.

AMZN Long above $136.30 to about $139, breaking higher could got to $142. Short below $135 to $133-$132 areas

APWR Will move one way or another Long above $16.50 to near $17 needs to break above for higher to near $18. Short below $15.50 to about $15 and lower possible to near $14.20

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Daily Note - Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice
by Anni
What's your rush? 'Tis the quiet time of year;
you can't make up what you did not do yesteryear.
Have you noticed how time has gone, and you did not but blink,
have you missed something you think?
Let it go, Let it lie, perhaps it's best that way my friend;
what is good for anything when it already has been spent?
This time of year is dormant dear with promises in germination;
the quiet long nights that we spend alone are for reflecting on them.
So plan your days yet to come, but do not be inpatient,
for dreams that come forever true take their time to fruition.
Let's see what's been germinating overnight. 'Tis the wind down of the week, still much to be answered and once again, patience is the key to our success.
AMZN Long above 132.10 to about 133, to near 134.50 breaking higher to about $136 . Short below 131.60 to 129.80 area, breaking below to 127.50 -$124.40.

BIDU Long above $427 to about $428 then $430-$431 , breaking higher to $435, $437. Short below $424 to about $422, $419 then $416, breaking below $415 next near $410

FSLR Long above $136 to $137 then $138, breaking higher to about $141. Short below 133.40 to about $130.50 then to near $128

PRU Long above $47.50 to $48.30, breaking above $48.50 to $49-$49.50. Short below $46.40 to about $45.50 breaking below to near $44.

MA Short below $240 to near $237 breaking lower to $235-$233 areas. Long above $243.30 to $245, $247-248.50

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
by Anni
What's your rush? 'Tis the quiet time of year;
you can't make up what you did not do yesteryear.
Have you noticed how time has gone, and you did not but blink,
have you missed something you think?
Let it go, Let it lie, perhaps it's best that way my friend;
what is good for anything when it already has been spent?
This time of year is dormant dear with promises in germination;
the quiet long nights that we spend alone are for reflecting on them.
So plan your days yet to come, but do not be inpatient,
for dreams that come forever true take their time to fruition.
Let's see what's been germinating overnight. 'Tis the wind down of the week, still much to be answered and once again, patience is the key to our success.
AMZN Long above 132.10 to about 133, to near 134.50 breaking higher to about $136 . Short below 131.60 to 129.80 area, breaking below to 127.50 -$124.40.

BIDU Long above $427 to about $428 then $430-$431 , breaking higher to $435, $437. Short below $424 to about $422, $419 then $416, breaking below $415 next near $410

FSLR Long above $136 to $137 then $138, breaking higher to about $141. Short below 133.40 to about $130.50 then to near $128

PRU Long above $47.50 to $48.30, breaking above $48.50 to $49-$49.50. Short below $46.40 to about $45.50 breaking below to near $44.

MA Short below $240 to near $237 breaking lower to $235-$233 areas. Long above $243.30 to $245, $247-248.50

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Daily Note - Vivaldi Season
How often do you stop and listen? I don't mean conversations, or what important people are saying in your life, but stop .. listen.. to the world. Nature, surroundings all the sounds that are always in your presence. Many don't but many who have put it to melody, because it has a song of it's own. One such composer, famous for his Four Seasons composition is Vivaldi and last night I had the good fortune to hear "Winter" played by a world class violin virtuoso on an instrument older than the United States;
Elizabeth Blumenstock with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, of the Bay Area.
Although this is not her recording, I want to share with you a moment of nature in music.
Every trading day plays musical notes, and I don't mean the chirps or bells of Twitter and StockTwits. Listen and you'll virtually hear the next trade:
$DJI Is it at support or will it test the lower trend line, still the question:

$AMZN Long above $135 to near$137.50 Short below about $133.30 breaking below $133 to about 132.50

$PCLN Long above $216.50 to near $218.50 then higher to $220-$221. Short below $213.50 to near 209.50 breaking lower to about $207

$GLD Long above $112 to near 113 breaking higher to $113.50 area, short below $111 to near $109 lower to about $107-$105 areas.

$PRU Long above $47 to about $48 - $48.50 breaking higher to near $49. Short below 45.90 to near $45 breaking down to about $44.50

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Elizabeth Blumenstock with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, of the Bay Area.
Although this is not her recording, I want to share with you a moment of nature in music.
Every trading day plays musical notes, and I don't mean the chirps or bells of Twitter and StockTwits. Listen and you'll virtually hear the next trade:
$DJI Is it at support or will it test the lower trend line, still the question:

$AMZN Long above $135 to near$137.50 Short below about $133.30 breaking below $133 to about 132.50

$PCLN Long above $216.50 to near $218.50 then higher to $220-$221. Short below $213.50 to near 209.50 breaking lower to about $207

$GLD Long above $112 to near 113 breaking higher to $113.50 area, short below $111 to near $109 lower to about $107-$105 areas.

$PRU Long above $47 to about $48 - $48.50 breaking higher to near $49. Short below 45.90 to near $45 breaking down to about $44.50

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Daily Note - ClimateGate
Cold nights, warm hearts? Copenhagen I think is not so warm tonight. I heard/saw someone say/type that those that don't believe in global warming are like those who believe that the earth is flat. If I could only hear one scientist deeply involved with this Climate Gate cover up or one great celebrity who was so convinced that we will sink into the ocean by now, say very simply but loudly: "sorry I was wrong" , I would have some hope but I won't hold out hope that I will.
There is no greater greed than that of a government getting victory through self -righteousness. In Copenhagen, there may be many of them. Those that ride the wave of glory with ill gotten wealth from corrupt governments, will only get more wealth by keeping mum. After all, the likes of programs such as "food for oil" will only get them more of what they think they deserve. Through their self-righteous victory they actually believe that they are right, hence they can make a stupid statement such as above. I think the only justice that would serve well here would be the arrival of the ice age, which is NOT caused by greenhouse gases, but knowing the scientists on board of this scam, somehow they'd make it fit.
Speaking of the ice age, it sure feels like it has arrived here. 20F tonight snow like this in SF Bay Area not seen since mid 1970's. Isn't that when they were talking of the coming ice age?
Cycles, patterns that repeat. in nature, life and the markets. So, let's take on some solar and the color of the sun.. gold
FSLR from last week kept on working Monday let's see if it will continue through today as said then, this gap fill will take stages: Long above $136 -$136.60 to near $139, $141, $143 then $145 areas. Short below $133.50 to near $131-$130.

GLD Long above 114 to near $116 could break toward $118. Short below $112.40 to about $110.

ICE Short below $103.40 to below $102 -$101. Long above $105 to about $107 area .

After ice we need a little:
HEAT Long above $15.30 to near $16.30 and possible new highs. Short below $14.50 to near $13 then below to about $13.50 area

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
There is no greater greed than that of a government getting victory through self -righteousness. In Copenhagen, there may be many of them. Those that ride the wave of glory with ill gotten wealth from corrupt governments, will only get more wealth by keeping mum. After all, the likes of programs such as "food for oil" will only get them more of what they think they deserve. Through their self-righteous victory they actually believe that they are right, hence they can make a stupid statement such as above. I think the only justice that would serve well here would be the arrival of the ice age, which is NOT caused by greenhouse gases, but knowing the scientists on board of this scam, somehow they'd make it fit.
Speaking of the ice age, it sure feels like it has arrived here. 20F tonight snow like this in SF Bay Area not seen since mid 1970's. Isn't that when they were talking of the coming ice age?
Cycles, patterns that repeat. in nature, life and the markets. So, let's take on some solar and the color of the sun.. gold
FSLR from last week kept on working Monday let's see if it will continue through today as said then, this gap fill will take stages: Long above $136 -$136.60 to near $139, $141, $143 then $145 areas. Short below $133.50 to near $131-$130.

GLD Long above 114 to near $116 could break toward $118. Short below $112.40 to about $110.

ICE Short below $103.40 to below $102 -$101. Long above $105 to about $107 area .

After ice we need a little:
HEAT Long above $15.30 to near $16.30 and possible new highs. Short below $14.50 to near $13 then below to about $13.50 area

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Daily Note - Winter Holiday
This will be the last week of trading for me for the year. As Christmas approaches, the markets tend to slow and get more choppy. Good days, bad days doesn't matter; this year is history already and present battles are fought over what traders think the markets will do after the new year. Instead of the chop, and slosh, or dead air that slow markets tend to bring, I prefer to enjoy a nice winter holiday with some holiday cheer.
For this week, I picked a different list to follow for no particular reason except perhaps for a change of pace. I truly have no expectations of this Monday one way or another, so , trade them well, trade them carefully and always remember to enjoy the day.
AAPL Short below $193 to near $192, $190 breaking lower to $185 Long above $194 to near $195, $196-$199

AMZN Short below $137.40 to about $136 breaking below to $135.50 and as low as $133.50 areas possible. Long above $138 to near $140, breaking above to near $142

NEM short below $52 to near $49.50 then lower to near $48. Long above $54.20 to near $55-$56 areas.

OIH Short below $114.50 to about $112. breaking below to near $110-$108. Long above $116 to near $118-$120

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
For this week, I picked a different list to follow for no particular reason except perhaps for a change of pace. I truly have no expectations of this Monday one way or another, so , trade them well, trade them carefully and always remember to enjoy the day.
AAPL Short below $193 to near $192, $190 breaking lower to $185 Long above $194 to near $195, $196-$199

AMZN Short below $137.40 to about $136 breaking below to $135.50 and as low as $133.50 areas possible. Long above $138 to near $140, breaking above to near $142

NEM short below $52 to near $49.50 then lower to near $48. Long above $54.20 to near $55-$56 areas.

OIH Short below $114.50 to about $112. breaking below to near $110-$108. Long above $116 to near $118-$120

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Week's Play List Results & Last Note
This week has had most of us puzzled about direction and meaning of indicators. Whereas it is always interesting to debate such philosophy, it is best to follow what is directly beneath our feet, for the path can be no more firm than where we are at the moment.
If you follow my calls, you will realize that sticking with a plan works. Adjustments needed are not made on emotion, but on what is happening. The more noise the more uncertainty develops, less noise, more optimism does. Wild swings are due to traders lack of confidence. Not knowing what to do, reaction happens, seeing what is and trusting that view, you can avoid a lot of agony. That is why I like write my posts during the quiet of the night. Have a great weekend.
If you follow my calls, you will realize that sticking with a plan works. Adjustments needed are not made on emotion, but on what is happening. The more noise the more uncertainty develops, less noise, more optimism does. Wild swings are due to traders lack of confidence. Not knowing what to do, reaction happens, seeing what is and trusting that view, you can avoid a lot of agony. That is why I like write my posts during the quiet of the night. Have a great weekend.

The Daily Note - Jobs or No Jobs
Now that BAC failed to lift yesterday, the jobs report is viewed as the possible next candidate for the job. Sorry for the pun. Yes, something always has to be "the reason" for a market move. So, is it going to be 10.2%, or 10.1%. That lower number would really kick could it not? Really!! Is this the same group that forecast dire times when unemployment was at 4.4%?
All I am pointing out is perspective. I honestly don't think anyone really cares about the numbers. The numbers are not personal; it's just a number to which I doubt traders can relate; after all, we as traders are always employed. It is only an indicator to us. Unless we know someone, or venture out to the local office, we may not even notice its reality. Stores are empty or closed, office buildings have for lease signs everywhere, and streets are not quite so bustling. We do our chores, our daily living, and we cannot relate. So why should the markets move one way or the other on 1/10%?
So closes another week. But hey this is only "Shift Work"
FSLR Let's see if it will hold up and if it can pop above the 130.19 once more. Long above $128 to near $130, braking higher above 130.20, to $131.50, then $133. Short below $122 to near $120

AMZN Gave some back yesterday and the trend may continue Short below $140.80 to near $139 breaking lower to $136. Long above $142 to about $144 breaking higher to $145 then $146 ++

BIDU Short below $427.80 to about $426 , $425. Long above $429 to near $431, then above $432 then about $434 higher with momentum, possibility to gain a new high or a below a low is never ruled out with BIDU.

MA Short below $236 to about $#235, then near $232. Long above $239 to about $242, braking higher to near $243 areas.

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
All I am pointing out is perspective. I honestly don't think anyone really cares about the numbers. The numbers are not personal; it's just a number to which I doubt traders can relate; after all, we as traders are always employed. It is only an indicator to us. Unless we know someone, or venture out to the local office, we may not even notice its reality. Stores are empty or closed, office buildings have for lease signs everywhere, and streets are not quite so bustling. We do our chores, our daily living, and we cannot relate. So why should the markets move one way or the other on 1/10%?
So closes another week. But hey this is only "Shift Work"
FSLR Let's see if it will hold up and if it can pop above the 130.19 once more. Long above $128 to near $130, braking higher above 130.20, to $131.50, then $133. Short below $122 to near $120

AMZN Gave some back yesterday and the trend may continue Short below $140.80 to near $139 breaking lower to $136. Long above $142 to about $144 breaking higher to $145 then $146 ++

BIDU Short below $427.80 to about $426 , $425. Long above $429 to near $431, then above $432 then about $434 higher with momentum, possibility to gain a new high or a below a low is never ruled out with BIDU.

MA Short below $236 to about $#235, then near $232. Long above $239 to about $242, braking higher to near $243 areas.

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Daily Note - Up and BAC
Some days when no matter how long I stare at my lists for signals yet to be, I don't find any that jump out. It's usually because there are so many that are in the same position, that picking one or more is difficult; or perhaps better said, picking any is good enough.
It is as if all the stars converge to form a pattern together, so picking a favorite star seems unfair to the whole picture. So what do I see? I see that we can break either way. There is argument to both that is supported well. On days as such it may behoove a trader to sit tight and wait for market to decide direction. Will there be a shining star I'll miss, most likely, will there be many other selections to my liking, most definitely.
The jobless claims and Black Friday retail results will be reported in pre-opening hours, but the bigger news is BAC which will most likely drive the market in the pre hours at-last with anticipation, but will it have the power to keep it going?
Or,expresed in music,we may have a medley of a day:
So, let's stick with what we know and the rest will unfold because a vessel can only be filled when open to receive; be ready, let it come to you.
BIDU acts like it wants to roll over because it has a hard time with $441 & higher, yet it can also break open on a moment's notice to the higher. It's because it's strange uncharted territory, so caution is highly advised. Long above $237 to $239, breaking to $241 again. A higher break above $442-$443 look to $445. short below $432 to about $429
use previous charts
MA seems to have peaked at $246, now it needs to recapture the high in order not to lose momentum. Long above $243 to $245, breaking higher to near $247. Short below $242 to near $240, losing that near $238 then $236 is possible.

FSLR needs to do something and I want to be there when it does, although it could be violent. Long above $124 to $125, $127 areas. Short below $121 to $120 then near $117. What happens after, will be interesting.

VNO I like the way it broke out and held here, looking for higher above the $68 to near $70 then $71. Short below the $67.60 to $66-$65.50 area, breaking below to $64-$62.

Do not forget the earlier trading signals which may continue to play: MT, GLD, AUY, JPM and CSIQ
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
It is as if all the stars converge to form a pattern together, so picking a favorite star seems unfair to the whole picture. So what do I see? I see that we can break either way. There is argument to both that is supported well. On days as such it may behoove a trader to sit tight and wait for market to decide direction. Will there be a shining star I'll miss, most likely, will there be many other selections to my liking, most definitely.
The jobless claims and Black Friday retail results will be reported in pre-opening hours, but the bigger news is BAC which will most likely drive the market in the pre hours at-last with anticipation, but will it have the power to keep it going?
Or,expresed in music,we may have a medley of a day:
So, let's stick with what we know and the rest will unfold because a vessel can only be filled when open to receive; be ready, let it come to you.
BIDU acts like it wants to roll over because it has a hard time with $441 & higher, yet it can also break open on a moment's notice to the higher. It's because it's strange uncharted territory, so caution is highly advised. Long above $237 to $239, breaking to $241 again. A higher break above $442-$443 look to $445. short below $432 to about $429
use previous charts
MA seems to have peaked at $246, now it needs to recapture the high in order not to lose momentum. Long above $243 to $245, breaking higher to near $247. Short below $242 to near $240, losing that near $238 then $236 is possible.

FSLR needs to do something and I want to be there when it does, although it could be violent. Long above $124 to $125, $127 areas. Short below $121 to $120 then near $117. What happens after, will be interesting.

VNO I like the way it broke out and held here, looking for higher above the $68 to near $70 then $71. Short below the $67.60 to $66-$65.50 area, breaking below to $64-$62.

Do not forget the earlier trading signals which may continue to play: MT, GLD, AUY, JPM and CSIQ
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
PS. The Daily Note is written the night before and uploaded on site automatically 15 minutes before pre-market open. Therefore discretion and adjustments may be necessary.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Daily Note - Gold vs. Gold
Gold busted through $1200 and on its way to $5000 some say. So load up, but don't count on your jewelry. Although gold value increases the price in retail gold jewelry, it does not hold the same value on re-sale, hence you can never count on getting your money back. In fact much gold jewelry ends up being melted down by those buyers who pay a fraction of your cost for them. In a pinch however jewelry is good barter.
On the other hand, gold coins are a good bet and can be worn as jewelry. Mounted in a pretty frame,called a bezel, it makes a lovely pendant on a gold chain and they have also been incorporated in a ring, and more rarely in a brooch. So consider that for your gift list instead. My favorite is the Austrian Ducat which is among the purest strikes, but I favor it for personal reasons. If you do decide to search for a gold coin, be sure to study the subject and go to a reputable coin or antiques dealer. Here area a couple of sites to start your off: and
Disclosure: The above postings are for information purposes only. I have no affiliation with these sites, nor have I made any purchases from them.
Now for a little departure from the norm, here are some gold trades:
SA Long above $26.50 and $27.50 to about $28.50- $29, heading higher above $29.50 to near $31. Short below $25 and $24 to about $22.
AUY Is a potential break out play. Here it's trying to break above the $14 and has made several attempts. For AUY the key is to hold between $13.50 and $14.00 a strong volume break above, will propel it toward the $15.30 area and then to $16,00. Consider it for a short term hold. It has some severe pullbacks so, please consider your risk tolerance here.

GLD Remember last August, in a strategy session I said long above $95.00? Well this horse has left the barn, yet it may not be quite finished. Depending on how intense gold fever may get I still see more highs before lows, but don't bet the barn on it, your horse may need it once again. I will stay cautious here and just watch. For a scalp,Short below $118 to about $115, Long above $118 to near $120.
BIDU let some air out near close, and judging from that, I'll keep the calls to same level as yesterday, with an added caution for the downside. Seems dissapointement of an at the close rally may have sent this and others tumbling, so who's to say it won't happen again.
MA is on a good track here, so this too will keep it the same as yesterday with the above mentioned caution.
and for a final note:
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
On the other hand, gold coins are a good bet and can be worn as jewelry. Mounted in a pretty frame,called a bezel, it makes a lovely pendant on a gold chain and they have also been incorporated in a ring, and more rarely in a brooch. So consider that for your gift list instead. My favorite is the Austrian Ducat which is among the purest strikes, but I favor it for personal reasons. If you do decide to search for a gold coin, be sure to study the subject and go to a reputable coin or antiques dealer. Here area a couple of sites to start your off: and
Disclosure: The above postings are for information purposes only. I have no affiliation with these sites, nor have I made any purchases from them.
Now for a little departure from the norm, here are some gold trades:
SA Long above $26.50 and $27.50 to about $28.50- $29, heading higher above $29.50 to near $31. Short below $25 and $24 to about $22.

AUY Is a potential break out play. Here it's trying to break above the $14 and has made several attempts. For AUY the key is to hold between $13.50 and $14.00 a strong volume break above, will propel it toward the $15.30 area and then to $16,00. Consider it for a short term hold. It has some severe pullbacks so, please consider your risk tolerance here.

GLD Remember last August, in a strategy session I said long above $95.00? Well this horse has left the barn, yet it may not be quite finished. Depending on how intense gold fever may get I still see more highs before lows, but don't bet the barn on it, your horse may need it once again. I will stay cautious here and just watch. For a scalp,Short below $118 to about $115, Long above $118 to near $120.
BIDU let some air out near close, and judging from that, I'll keep the calls to same level as yesterday, with an added caution for the downside. Seems dissapointement of an at the close rally may have sent this and others tumbling, so who's to say it won't happen again.
MA is on a good track here, so this too will keep it the same as yesterday with the above mentioned caution.
and for a final note:
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Daily Note - Holiday Spending
It's December 1st and everything is rosy again. Hope is all around us again, last month of the year time for holiday cheer and spending.
I went shopping last evening, found places empty. Ok, maybe they all got done yesterday, you say. Well, hate to say, but I had no problem parking on Sunday. Sure sign of a blockbuster holiday for retailers. Of course it's not the way I like to measure things as said before, but the market does. Doesn't it? If it does than why is it so happy again?
Oh I know, gold is up! Did we return to the gold standard? Oh I know, Congress will stop spending us into oblivion. Did they discard the healthcare bill as a bad idea? Did they decide not to tax us into pauperdom? Have they voted for their raises yet? Oh forgot that is slated for the last day before vacation. Or is the market happy because 4 English sailors have been captured by the Iranians, or that an oil tanker has been hijacked by the Somalians? The tanker was headed to USA by the way, how much will we pay?
I know, I sound very pessimistic here, or perhaps I am a real optimist that reality will one day strike home with us all. Oh it did you say? Ah yes, brokers, it's bonus check time! Welcome to reality.
So let's get down to trading and don't let the above thoughts taint your view:
BIDU Long above $434 to $437 then $439, breaking above to $441-$442. Short below $432 to near $430 breaking below to $429.80. Breaking $429 to about $426.

$MA long above $240 to near $242. Breaking above $243 to near $245 is possible, with momentum. Short below $236 to about $234-$231 then near $229.

CSIQ Long above 22.20 to near 23.85 breaking above $24 to near $26.60. Shrot below 21/80 tp mear 20 then lower to about 18.70

MT Long above $40 to near $42. Short below $39. to near $37
I went shopping last evening, found places empty. Ok, maybe they all got done yesterday, you say. Well, hate to say, but I had no problem parking on Sunday. Sure sign of a blockbuster holiday for retailers. Of course it's not the way I like to measure things as said before, but the market does. Doesn't it? If it does than why is it so happy again?
Oh I know, gold is up! Did we return to the gold standard? Oh I know, Congress will stop spending us into oblivion. Did they discard the healthcare bill as a bad idea? Did they decide not to tax us into pauperdom? Have they voted for their raises yet? Oh forgot that is slated for the last day before vacation. Or is the market happy because 4 English sailors have been captured by the Iranians, or that an oil tanker has been hijacked by the Somalians? The tanker was headed to USA by the way, how much will we pay?
I know, I sound very pessimistic here, or perhaps I am a real optimist that reality will one day strike home with us all. Oh it did you say? Ah yes, brokers, it's bonus check time! Welcome to reality.
So let's get down to trading and don't let the above thoughts taint your view:
BIDU Long above $434 to $437 then $439, breaking above to $441-$442. Short below $432 to near $430 breaking below to $429.80. Breaking $429 to about $426.

$MA long above $240 to near $242. Breaking above $243 to near $245 is possible, with momentum. Short below $236 to about $234-$231 then near $229.

CSIQ Long above 22.20 to near 23.85 breaking above $24 to near $26.60. Shrot below 21/80 tp mear 20 then lower to about 18.70

MT Long above $40 to near $42. Short below $39. to near $37

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