It's really not unlike what each and everyone of us do to succeed at what we love, regardless our age at discovery. We may forge into it with reserved interest, at first, unsure about giving commitment until such time that it has got us with a grip which we cannot let go. What really takes us on the trip? What makes us put our foot one in front of the other regardless the discouragement of trial and error? What keeps us going day after day, hour after hour unable to tell when and if we will succeed or fail? What gives us the strength to practice year after year, take criticism day after day and move our determination to higher levels? Is it the conquering of a challenge, the feeling of pride, or is it the satisfaction in knowing that we have stretched to do our very best?
I've been fortunate to have experienced and succeeded at more that one passion in my life; each one demanded that I do my best and each one had me meeting challenges yet undiscovered and unconquered. Yet it is in the results where I find I receive my greatest satisfaction and proof that I've done my personal best.
Results of the highest caliber are not easy to reach; each and every field that we enter has thousands of challengers for the same honor. Yet what we do in our search for the apex has to have unshakable conviction to continue toward the goal. On the way we have to push through all adversity, meet each obstacle and have continuous passionate desire to go on.
In his commentary about the skaters last evening, Scott Hamilton, 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist, said it best: "You have to go to work everyday, love every minute of it, and eliminate every would've should've and could've from your thinking."
We can't all be on an Olympic podium receiving a medal for our achievements. But we can all examine whether we met the criteria to reach our personal best and looking at the results, if we can say we have no regrets, I think we can also say we have reached our Olympic best.
Work each day, love each moment and take each trade to your Olympic Best!
Happy Living, Trading and Dancing
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Posted 2/17/10 05:31 Eastern