What strikes me however is the thought that as GOOG went, so can AAPL. I don't mean technically or politically but as in rising price; seeing the way AAPL took off this past month. The new darling "of anything news is good news" much like GOOG used to be, I'm merely observing.
The investing world was certainly sitting on pins and needles while Steve Jobs' health was in question; once it became obvious that the man would not go away anytime soon and in addition he had the same capacity of genius he had before, traders, investors, collectors and fans all boosted AAPL as if showing approval and congratulations as well as relief. It's continuing rise to stardom makes it the current darling of the super stock world. Can AAPL rise to the heights of GOOG?
It looks like it could presently, and the hunger is great, but for the market heights it may be even be a steady possibility. with the current valuation on the high side being $300. Currently, there is much excitement over the new i-phone being released in June and the i-Pad's arrival in April, that it reminds me of the new commercial of shiny hair reflection in the eye, which blinds the receiver. So, with the warning that apples do fall from the tree, here is to the AAPL in your eye.
As I said, there's not much new that others have not already said about AAPL.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Dedicated to a friend, nyctrader611. Together we plotted and picked a few apples off the tree.
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