I submit that everyday we have that very fact illustrated perfectly in our trading world, just looking at our watch lists. The problem is that if we really grasp that idea, we can also get overwhelmed at the thought. Although yesterday was the perfect time to not worry about the pick we may have acted upon from the lists, we know that the possibilities are not guaranteed to end in the way we wish. But it's still true that we always have unimaginable number of choices within every moment of our lives. We, as our limited self, are the ones that fret over the outcomes and put on the negative or positive tilt about them.
The idea is to recognize the truth in the statement, yet separate ourselves from it so it will not become overwhelming. Knowing and accepting that we will not always make perfect choices is really the key here. Knowing and accepting that our possibilities will not be limited as a result should give us consolation.
Traders need to learn to recognize this truth and have it etched in our consciousness well. The saying that there are always more trades is very true, but only if we allow for the possibility.
A tune by Patrick O'Hearn from "Between Two Worlds"
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
March 1st was an exceptional day for possibilities of the Member's PlayList BIDU, PCLN and the BlogPick of the day, MA for a high total of 23 points. You can subscribe to the daily member's picks by clicking on the "Subscribe" tab.
Todays BlockPick: FSLR it has not partaken in the positive moves of the market, but may have bottomed in the last week, if only for a little while

Copyright Day Trading with Anni 2010