I feel that is how many of us connect to charts, via the musical notes we see moving in unison. I am always amazed that I can pick a piece of music and watch the charts and somehow they synchronize. We also all connect via music across the airwaves unbeknownst to each other except on some cosmic level, until by "chance" we meet on another wave which bridges worlds, known as the internet. Connections are just as powerful with music over the net as they are in person. We can sense each others being and can converse with each other on multi levels via music and within those moments we are like long ago friends.
I don't doubt for a minute that the type of music we listen to affects our mood, our creativity and sense of purpose. Using music to trade with, by or to is like dancing, connecting and balancing nature within our psyche and our core, therefore seeing with more clarity. It's like sitting and gazing up into the star filled night, when everything makes sense amid the chaos.
Happy Trading Living and Dancing
Yesterday, on the Dance Floor : + 33.73 points. Join us for the next dance: "MEMBERSHIP"
Today's BlogPick - CREE

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