The threat of success is as paralyzing as the threat of failure and if you lived long enough to be trading, you already know that. But how do you let it effect your day? Do you even realize that it has a play in what you do and how you approach the trade, the day?
Fearing failure is just an excuse to get sympathy; it's easy to fail. The fear of success is what we hide from. Fear permeates all actions in life not just certain ones. Fear of failure or success stopped many from action; and it's stopping you in your trades.
The only way to overcome fear is by action. Action and more action. Practicing trading takes more than just a click; it takes guts it takes facing the fear that we all face, which is ultimately not fear of failure but fear of success.
If we succeed we must continue the hard work that gets us there, we become public, and we become targets. But I propose to you, that the alternative is painful. Hiding is like not speaking up when a wrong is done against someone. Not taking action is like hiding your talent, your vision, your dream and then blaming others for not achieving them.
Take your time, and time flies away; wait another day and tomorrow never comes; act today and you know that you are one step closer; So, I opened my trading site last week and .... today is another day for the opportunity of success.
If you like my style here, on this blog, you might enjoy my trading room too.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
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Today's BlogPick - PNRA

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