Yesteday the world expected a tank beginning of day but the day had other plans for the market and it took off instead. When you are ready of the "either / or" it won't bother you. If you are not, something's gonna give and usually the market is stronger. So we have to zig with the zig and zag with the zag It's exactly why I talk both ways on my picks. Do they always play out? One way or the other, usually they do. And surprise, many times they will play both ways, as many of you who take the "chance" know.
So, today it's your turn. Look at today's chart. What do you see?? Which way will it go?
I only know one thing.. Something's gotta give. It's written in those charts, can you guess this time? Don't let the tug of war fool you. Just follow the market, and you'll see it play out beautifully to its music.
Happy Trading, Living and Dancing
Yesterday, on the Dance Floor : + 21 points. Join us for the next dance: "MEMBERSHIP"
Today's BlogPick - MA

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Hi Anni,
Your music widget is not appearing correctly. This is what I see from IE8
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